
Cardboard Filter – G91 Series

Finedust Filter


The cardboardG-91 family of filters are made from die cut frame rigid cardboard, which makes them ­resistant to ­humidity and provides them with extra ­durability when ­assembled. The grid board ­supports on each side of the filter are built into the frame. These supports are also attached to each pleat in the frame to ensure stability and consistent spacing of the pleats. The filtration media is glued to the entire frame to prevent any air bypass.

  • Each HEPA filter is tested and packed in ­accordance with American standard IEST-RP-CC-001.3 (HEPA and ULPA Filters) or in accordance with the European standard BS EN 1882-1, 4&5 (testing filter elements HEPA and ULPA efficiency and scan method) or other customer requested Testing. The prefilters are tested in accordance with European standard BS EN 779 (Particulate air filters for general ventilation). This standard is based on Ashrae 52.76 (Gravimetric and ­Dust-Spot Procedures for Testing Air Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter 1992).
  • The XY-scan testing device is able to ­perform automated filter leak testing of high efficiency air filters using automatic particle counters and a motorized scan table. While the particle counter probe passes over the filter face, the computer compares the counted particles with the given leak tolerance setting. In addition, it calculates the overall ­efficiency for each checked filter and measures the pressure drop @ nominal airflow.
  • HEPA efficiencies of E-10 up to H-13
  • Finedust efficiencies of M6 up to F9
  • Finedust efficiencies of MERV 9 up to MERV 15 ASHRAE 52.1
  • Finedust efficiencies of 52.1 and EN 779 or ISO 16890
  • High quality micro fibreglass media
  • Lowest initial pressure drop
  • Rigid cardboard frames
  • Frame height of 1” up to 4”
  • High quality standards due to Quality Assurance System
  • High standard due to Quality Assurance System
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 16890
  • EN 779-2012 quality

The G91 filter is designed and tested to extract the smallest particles out of the air. The G91 series ­contains a fibreglass media pack in different heights (25 mm up to 93 mm) and is available in different types and heights of frames: 1”/2”/4” .
The filter media is pleated in’Minipleat shape’ with a new application technology of ‘Hot Melt Spacers’ to achieve the lowest pressure drop results. These many variations always give each application the best and most optimal solution.

> Air Filters

Air Filters

Panel / Compact Filters

One of the most common air filtration products (high efficiency filtration) are panel filters and compact filters, applied in a variety of industries. These include filters for HVAC, cleanrooms, clean environments, healthcare facilities, laboratories, and more.

Both the panel filter and the compact filter (also known as v-shape or v-bank filter) are based on a pleated structure. It is this structure that allows greater quantities of air to pass through the filter, while reducing pressure and accumulating more dust and particles within the filter due to increase of the filtration area.

The Filt-Air panel filters and compact filters offer customers advantages:

  • Septal sizes tailored to your needs. In addition to standard filter sizes, we are able to deliver almost any size required.
  • Precise pleating technology. This unique capability ensures greater efficiency and durability over time.
  • Customized production of filter frames using a variety of materials (including. ABS, coated steel, and stainless steel), latches and handles, to meet specific standards and regulations.